Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another shower!

My Mom and I flew to Colorado Springs this last weekend where Donna hosted a fabulous baby shower for Ava and me. It was so much fun meeting all of her friends and the food was wonderful! We played some fun games and Ava received some wonderful gifts, she is going to be one spoiled little baby girl! :)

Donna, me and my Mom

The adorable (and tasty!) baby cake.

We got to take in some of the sites on our last day. It snowed on Saturday (the day of the shower), but the next day it was gorgeous, so we went for a drive to the Garden of the Gods. So beautiful! All in all, a great trip!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

30 Weeks

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks already! We're getting close! My belly is getting so big. Everyone tells me I still look small, but I think they are just trying to be nice! Anyway, Ava is almost 3 1/2 pounds and kicking away all the time. She has been getting hiccups lately and at first I thought it was so cute, but now that she gets them multiple times a day, it's starting to become a little annoying! Everytime I lay down to take a nap or go to bed she starts hiccuping and it's becoming harder and harder to sleep! I've got another ultrasound next week and then it's on to 2 appointments a week until I deliver! It's going to feel like I'm living at the hospital! Hopefully it will make the time go by fast.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Shower time

It's shower time! My sisters and my Mom had a family shower this weekend for Ava and me, and it was so good to see all my cousins, Aunts and family friends. We had such a great turn out, it was standing room only!

Mom, Me, Angi and Adrianne

Sophia was such a great helper in opening presents. She was having so much fun looking at all the cute clothes.

Sophia, Grandma Cindi and Aunt Marlene.

Donna flew in from Colorado for the festivities. She's so excited to finally have a grandchild, and a girl no less, since she raised 2 boys!

Angi also flew in for the shower, and these adorable boys are my two cousins babies. I just love to kiss their chubby little cheeks!

Look at all that pink!! This little baby is going to be one stylish little girl! I think I got enough clothes to change her outfit a couple times a day for the first little while! I can't wait to see her in all this stuff, especially the little tutu that my cousins gave her.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bath time

Getting a bath is Vinny's least favorite thing to do, but we had to get him all cleaned up for his Grandparents visit. Ian's parents are coming for the weekend, and there's nothing like a smelly bulldog!

As you can see by the look on his face, he is not happy in the tub!

Get me outa here!!