Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ava's ladybug birthday party

We celebrated Ava's first birthday last weekend with a super fun ladybug party!! Our little lady had so much fun and after several days of straight rain, the weather was perfect! Lots of family and friends were able to celebrate with us and we couldn't have asked for a better party. It started out with a yummy bbq by Daddy and ended up with lots of cake....everywhere!

All dressed up for the party.

Some of the guests and some of the decorations that Mommy and Grandma made.

More of the guests.

The kids helping with the presents. Ava had so much fun playing with the kids that came; Kate, Sophia, Josie and Ethan.

Opening presents, we finally had to put her in her highchair because she kept running away!

The adorable and tasty cakes. The little white one was her "smash" cake, and boy did she smash it up! =)

Going in for some cake. The kids at the party had so much fun watching her eat (well destroy) her cake!

She did a pretty good job smashing her cake! This was the first time she has really had any sugar and I was anticipating her getting sick, but she didn't and she loved it! What a great party. Thanks everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate our baby's first birthday!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our baby is one!!

I can't believe a year has passed since our little princess arrived! What a fun and busy year it's been! She has been such a joy and a huge blessing to our lives. She's growing up so fast, walking/running, saying new words like "baby, hello, hi", pretending to talk on the cell phones, trying to put her own shoes and socks on and eating all kinds of new foods. Mom also got to celebrate her fisrt Mother's Day this year, although it included taking care of a sick baby and sick husband and making her own breakfast....but she wouldn't trade it for the world! Anyway, Happy Birthday Ava Jane! We love you!


And now. Wow, how things change in one year!!