Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ava's first haircut

Ava has been needing a haircut for a little while now as it's been hanging in her eyes and was pretty uneven. I kept putting it off because, well really I just didn't want to admit that she was big enough for one yet! But, I finally gave in and let her Aunt Adrianne come down and trim it up and it turned out really cute!

Here's a before picture, I do have to say that she's still pretty darn cute! ;)

I just had to add this one of some serious bed head after a long nap on Grammy's lap!

She actually held pretty still for the trim. Aunt Adrianne let her play with the comb, which helped, but every time she had to take it away, she wasn't very happy! =O

The finished product!

A side shot.

So cute, our little baby girl is growing up!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ava loves Vinny!

Ava has taken a big interest in Vinny lately (to his dismay of course!), and it's so funny to see her try to interact with him. He's so good to let her poke and pull at him, and he tries to lick her every chance he gets... She sure does love him!

A little playtime, supervised of course!

I'm sure one of these days when Ava gets bigger, she'll try to ride Vinny, we'll see...

She kinda looks like she's making a bulldog face here, so funny!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh the places...

That Ava ends up now that she has officially learned to crawl! The latest one was inside the bottom of her exersaucer. She climbed in to retrieve a toy and once she figured out it wasn't as easy to get back out, she just settled in for a bit to play, she's so funny!

Notice she has on her neck brace for her torticollis, even that doesn't slow her down!

Busy little girl, has to see how everything works.

Her new thing lately is to try to pull up on everything, she sure keeps us busy!

She kinda got stuck here, trying to pull stuff out from behind the chair...needless to say, we've been busy babyproofing big time!