Thursday, July 29, 2010

Activities aplenty!

Well with all the gizmos and gadgets we have for Ava, it's safe to say that she's pretty much never bored around here! And I do have to admit that I'm a sucker for whatever new, fun-looking baby item I come across! =o Soon I think we may have to buy a bigger house just to fit it all in! ;)

The bumbo! This will be nice when she gets a little older, we can use it as a portable high chair.

The exersaucer. She's still a little too small for it, but I just had to get it up and running for when she will be big enough.

The bouncy chair. This has come in real handy for when we are out and about, like here at the lake!

Her mobile has become one of her favorite things to watch. She will lay in here and just stare up at it in amazement, it's so cute!

I'm happy to report that she's not sleeping in her swing at night anymore! :) I found this rock and play sleeper and this is where she has been sleeping now, and she loves it! She has been sleeping for over 8 hours a night this whole week in here!

She still loves her swing, but mostly just for daytime naps.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 months!

Wow, I can't believe our baby girl is already 2 months old! Time flies when you're having fun. Ava weighs a little over 11 pounds now and is already wearing 3 month clothes! She's really long, so I think that's why they are already fitting her. She hasn't had her 2 month check up yet and to be honest, I'm not looking forward to it because she will be getting her first shots. :( But at least she will be vaccinated and that's what I have to keep telling myself! She is starting to smile more and more and cooing lots, which we love! She also started holding her head up while on her tummy, and to our dismay, she is still sleeping in the swing...

All swaddled up in the swing. I guess if I were this comfy in here, I wouldn't want to sleep anywhere else either!

Tummy time. I swear she is about to roll over on her own soon! Whenever I put her on her tummy on this mat, she tries really hard to roll over, and she's almost done it several times!

Just chillin' on a pillow on the couch. Look at those big brown eyes!

Daddy loves me, yeah!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July fun!

Ava's first Fourth of July consisted of lots of family and a birthday party for her cousin Sophia! And all of her Grandparents to celebrate with. My parents were here as well as Ians, they came in from Colorado for the week to see us and of course their favorite (okay, their only) grandchild! We had a picnic at the park, but didn't stay for fireworks, maybe next year when Ava gets a little older!

Of course Mommy had to dress Ava up in a festive outfit, any excuse for another photo shoot!

The birthday party.

Grandma and Grandpa Young

Nanny and Papa McPherson

Grandpa Bagley

Grandma Cindi

Uncle Scott. He had the magic touch when it came to calming down little Ava when she got fussy! :)

I told Ian to look like he was having fun, apparently this is his "I'm having LOTS of fun" look!

I asked Sophia to give me a birthday pose and here it is! :)