Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, when in Utah, do like the Utans do and celebrate Halloween on Saturday instead of Sunday! ;) As you can tell, Ava's a little ladybug this year and would only wear the costume for a quick photo shoot. I didn't get around to getting Vinny a costume this year, and I'm sure he's very upset about it....NOT! He hated when I dressed him up, and is probably glad that I have someone else to play dress up with. :) Anyway, Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shoulder rides!

I can't believe Ava is getting big enough for shoulder rides (well with a little help from daddy!) And she loved it! It's so cute to watch these two play, she loves her daddy...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who needs toys!

The other day I put Ava in her exersaucer, and instead of playing with any of the toys, she found this little tiny tag attatched to one of them and sat there and played with it for about 15 minutes! It was so funny. She's also been finding things like her burp cloths, socks and little buttons attatched to my clothes more interesting than her toys! We probably don't even need to buy her any toys for Christmas, since I'm sure the bows and ribbons will most likely excite her more! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

The littlest Ute

Thanks to Uncle Jon, Ava's all geared up for U of U football season! He just couldn't resist this little outfit while at the U Bookstore when he was in town. Go Ute's!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

5 months!

Wow, where has the time gone? I can't believe Ava is already over 5 months old!! She is so much fun lately. Rolling over lots, smiling and laughing all the time, trying to sit up by herself and starting to eat solids. We just started feeding her baby food as of yesterday. It hasn't gone too well so far, she just can't get the hang of eating off a spoon. Oh well, all in due time... She now weighs 14 1/2 lbs and is 26 inches long. We are still having to take her to physical therapy for her neck. She really hates going, but is making a lot of progress. Anyway, here are some pictures of this last month.

Now with the cooler weather, she's been able to wear some of the cute jeans that we've had since the baby showers! :)

Such a big girl in her new highchair.

She loves playing in her excersaucer! Her feet can finally touch the bottom now. ;)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love my toys!

Lately Ava has really been into her toys. It's so fun to watch her play with them! She mostly screams at them like they're not doing what she wants them to do, it's so funny. Here's a little video of her playing with her new Sophie the Girfaffe.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Mom took my bumpers off my crib because she was nervous I wouldn't be able to breath well with them on. Now I get to stick my arms and legs out of the slats and let Vinny lick me. Oh and I get to suck on the crib as well. She says it's not a good idea, so we had to put some new breathable bumpers on. And I was just getting used to all the freedom...


Aaahh, feels nice!

I think Vinny was more interested in my stuffed dog, than he was me.

Me and the new bumpers!