Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 weeks

Ava had her 2 week and 2 day check up today, and all is great! She's gained 11 ounces since last week, and I can really tell because most of her newborn clothes don't fit her anymore, most of which she only got to wear once! Anyway, here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

This is the best shot I could get since she wouldn't move her hand from her face! :)

Big yawn after a nice feed.

Hanging out on the boppy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thumb sucker!

Well, we definitely have a thumb sucker on our hands! Everytime Ava's hands are free, they automatically migrate right up to her face and every once in a while her thumb ends up in her mouth! I wondered if this would be the case, because every ultra sound showed her hands right up at her face. Even within the first hour after she was born, she was sucking her thumb, it was too cute, but I know what trouble that may bring... Sophia, Adrianne's daughter was a thumb sucker and when asked if she thought Ava would suck her thumb, her response was "I hope not, because it's very hard to quit!" =) We'll have to see what happens.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One week

Well, it's already been a week since little baby Ava arrived; time flies! This picture was taken in her swing that she loves! Mommy and Daddy love it too, since it has allowed them to get some much needed sleep as well. Yesterday she had her first appointment with the pediatrician, and everything looked really great. She weighed in at exactly 8 pounds, which is down from her birth weight, but up from the day we left the hospital, so she's right where she needs to be. She's a really good eater, so that helps! Anyway, Mommy is doing better each day, and looks forward to being able to take Ava outside for some outings! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Welcome Ava Jane!

Baby Ava Jane McPherson made her way into the world on May 11th 2010 at 9:16 p.m. weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21.5 inches long! After about 14 hours in labor, I wasn't making much progress, and my water was broken, so the doctors and us opted to go the c-section route. It wasn't my first choice, but we needed to get her out. And here she is! We love her so much. She is such a joy and we couldn't be happier!! Thanks to all the support we have received from such great friends and family. The c-section has caused quite a bit of pain, but I am doing much better and once the pain subsides some more, I will add more pictures!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

38 weeks

Wow, I can't believe it's been 38 weeks already! Good news is, is we won't be waiting 2 more weeks until she gets here. I had an ultrasound yesterday, and the baby is measuring pretty big, so the doctor wants to induce me on Monday night with the idea that she'll probably be here on Tuesday sometime!! Now that's soon! We are so excited, and I'm so ready! This will probably be the last pregnancy picture I post, so enjoy! ;)