Sunday, March 20, 2011

Baby steps

Ava just started taking her first steps this weekend, and we were so excited!! She ended up taking 11 steps at one time and both Mommy and Daddy were there to witness. :) I can't believe she's getting so big, where has our baby gone! This is the only video I have gotten so far and it was in the very beginning when she only took a few steps, but it is so exciting and so cute, enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I can stand up all by myself now!

She's been standing up by herself for a little while now, it's just been hard to capture it on camera. She used to need help getting to a standing position, now she just pops up all by herself, all the time now! She hasn't taken any steps yet, but you can tell she's thinking about it... ;)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bucket head!

Ava has really been into putting things on her head lately (as you can tell from my previous post), this one was probably the funniest though! She had a little help from Daddy to get it all the way on and he likes to refer to it as her helmet, I think he's trying to get her used to one already. ;)

I don't think she knows what to think here, like "hey guys can you help me get this thing off my head, it really doesn't go with my pajamas". ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our little ghost

Ava put her sleep sack on top of her head the other morning and was walking around her crib, she looked like a little ghost, it was so funny! She left it on there for a little while long enough for me to grab Ian and get some cute pictures and have a good laugh. She always keeps us smiling!

It's pretty see through, so she could see out, I think that's why she left it on for as long as she did. ;)

Too funny!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ava's hot tub

Ava has outgrown her baby bath tub and we got our new sink in, so it has turned into her new hot tub/bath tub and she loves it! It's the perfect size for her to splash and play and it's at the right height for us so we don't have to bend over to wash her! Win win for everyone! :)

Filling up the water.

All smiles and all soaped up! Far cry from the sad face she gets when we take her out...